 I’ve been living on my suitcase       我和我的行李相依為命
 Traveling upon my own will       隨意流浪
 Follow the wishing star       跟著希望之星

 And the vibrate of my guitar       與我的吉他 一起尋找感動

 On the street, in my boots and jeans       陌生大街 踩過我的牛仔褲與長靴
 Way out loud in the people stream       穿梭在喧囂的人群

 Making my own journey in a way of come and leave       來去間 用我的方式旅行


 But you stand there silent on the outskirt of those lazy men.


 With the quiet eyes and a cell phone on hand


 I thought I saw you somewhere but I haven’t seen you since then

 也許我曾經見過妳 卻又失去妳的蹤影

 The phone you left behind it’s left too soon.

 我想 妳太快把手機遺留下來
 You turn me upside down       妳讓我神魂顛倒
 The way you’re pushing around       用妳獨特的方法
 I can’t believe you made me lost and found       我無可置信的神魂顛倒
 You make me back on to the ground       妳讓我的心重返地球
 You’re the ear that I wanna sing to       妳讓我只想為妳歌唱
 You’re all about the cell phone       妳只存在手機裡
 And I’m all about you now       而我的腦海 只存在妳
 Before I turn myself to bed       每當我準備入睡
 I can recall your face       妳的臉就會浮現
 Such a lovely cell phone girl       如此動人的手機裡的女孩
 How can I find you again       我如何能再見到妳
 Would you take me by the hand       妳可願意與我相見
 With the moonlight in your eyes       為了看見妳眼中的月光
 I’ll turn back to you, turn back to you.       我會努力再回到妳身邊


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